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发布时间:2021-09-14 21:06:10 阅读: 来源:电子秤厂家


现因TELEOPTI 中国区业务扩张,需要招聘一名资深排班售前与实施咨询顾问。待遇从优,欢迎加入!就职地点:北京

To support our business growth and our vision of unmatchedcustomer satisfaction we continue to strengthen our Professional Servicesorganization in Beijing, China.

Your mission

As a WFM Presales Consultant, you will, together with manycommitted and competent colleagues, implement our award-winning workforcemanagement (WFM) solution that includes tools that manage, involve and improveworkforce management in today s contactcenter, or the complete enterpriseincluding backoffice, branches,and stores

Tasks can be:

Plan and design competitive solution basedon WFM product to customers

Lead workshops and guide the customerthrough the implementation and system configuration

Train and support customers and partners

Revenue responsibility for the projectsand revenue contribution to the company

Prepare and perform customerdemonstrations of Teleopti s WFM solution

Analyze customer data and suggestimprovements through consultancy services operational assessments

Define, run, and lead projects togetherwith our customers and partners

Support Teleopti s own as well as Teleoptipartners sales organization

Your skills

Ideal candidate has technicaluniversity degree, an analytical and problem-solving attitude combined withexcellent communication skills in Chinese and English.

You need to have experience from working with contact centers,workforce planning, or other 亚明在共和国广场为习近平举行欢迎仪式business solution systems like WFO/HR/CRM as wellas several years of experience from project management.

You are a person with drive and analytical skills who likes to bea part of a team. You take creative initiatives, have a passion for newchallenges and work systematically to achieve your goals. You thrive in an entrepreneurial environmentwhere change is a natural element and the decision paths are short.

The position locates in Beijing, but requires frequent traveling,primarily within China, but also to other parts of the world. Today Teleoptihas 18 offices in 14 countries around the globe.

How about the culture?

At Teleopti we see no boundaries when it comes to diversity at ouroffices. Diversity enriches our organization and our c该研究团队制备了能够高效选择性检测挥发性有机物的卟啉基PIZA⑴薄膜材料(Small, 2017, 1, )ustomer relations. We arealso proud that the people who matter the most appreciate our closeness. Everyyear we are rated highly in the Great Place to Work rankings, nine out of tenof our customers recommend us, and since the start in 1992 we have grownorganically while making a net profit.

We build our business with the support of helpful and dedicatedcolleagues 故可适用多种橡胶and managers, in short, a workplace in which we see each other andour customers. We call this Teleoptimism, and it is embodied by ourvalues: Speed, Professionalism, Commitment and Closeness.

Are you also someone who prefers to say yes rather than no? Thenyou might be a Teleoptimist. Apply for this position by clicking Apply Now atthe top of this page.

If you would like to know more about the position, please contact Amanda,Teleopti China Administration HR Manager, at ao@.

For more information about the company, please visit

关于Teleopti<宽度:20.12 mm/p>


Teleopti于1992年创建于瑞典,客户遍及85多个国家,在世界各地设有众多办事处 包括从北京一直到圣保罗 而且还有覆盖全球的合作伙伴络。Teleopti已连续20余年实现净盈利,拥有很高的客户满意度,是可靠的合作伙伴。如需了解详情,请访问:
